Last chrism's in New York everybody wished of snow but until now there is no snow. In Bangladesh it is too much cold now but it suppose to be not that much. These are two examples of abnormal weather and there are other in most of the news papers. We all know its a phenomenon of Global warming. Now people thinking about carbon footprint and the idea of "Going Green". Like others with the experience and information I realized what is Carbon Footprint and the idea of "Going Green".
It was 18th November of 2007. A day for me to learned about global worm. I was in my country and faced a big devastating cyclone named "SIDOR". That was of horrible experience for me even these days when sleep some time I wake up with that nightmare. A lot of people died on that devastation, and a lot people lost their everything in one day. That experience made me clear how global worming can effect people directly. Since than I always care about my carbon foot print. When I go shop to buy some thing, I used to buy the items which is not caused of global warming. I also care about food sustainability when I buy food. I believe sustainable food also a way to minimize global worm and my carbon footprint. Some time taking care of this making me difficult to buy sustainable food for unavailability and far distance . So unfortunately that time I am buy foods those are not organic. I hope very soon I will be able to over come this situation.
It was 18th November of 2007. A day for me to learned about global worm. I was in my country and faced a big devastating cyclone named "SIDOR". That was of horrible experience for me even these days when sleep some time I wake up with that nightmare. A lot of people died on that devastation, and a lot people lost their everything in one day. That experience made me clear how global worming can effect people directly. Since than I always care about my carbon foot print. When I go shop to buy some thing, I used to buy the items which is not caused of global warming. I also care about food sustainability when I buy food. I believe sustainable food also a way to minimize global worm and my carbon footprint. Some time taking care of this making me difficult to buy sustainable food for unavailability and far distance . So unfortunately that time I am buy foods those are not organic. I hope very soon I will be able to over come this situation.
well i liked the way you connected this to your own personal life tale. Which explain whether or not Organic food is healthy or not, but also the consequences.
ReplyDeleteBut can you tell me what should people do to get their own organic food?
DeleteThere are now a lots of stores those are selling organic food. You can go Park Slop Food Coop's store. Now they are growing their stores all cities in NY.
DeleteHi i see your post but your posts alwys make me confuse.I you have to talk about going green and food sustanablity therefore you didint explain alot that topic. You talk about a lot on weather?
ReplyDeleteThats the consiquence of our topic. I think going green does not mean only organic food or other staffs. My focus is. if we can't make our weather less poluted and more green all other job will be worthless.
DeleteGood! you had a good examples to show in the story, and you did good job for using examples to make people understand more about "going green". Therefore, you might talk a little about you person opinion about "going green".
ReplyDeleteI hope you will get it in the middle of 2nd paragraph. Yas, I should do more.