Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Text for Editing Practice, Part I (Body Art essay)

Paragraph A (body paragraph):
In my opinion, I am agreement on music therapy is a good method for health. For instance, I have heard that doctor often advices people to hear some gentler music to keep gently. That makes a good environment to help people to ease anxiety, and helps sick cure quick.

In my opinion, music therapy is a good method for health. For example, I have heard that doctor often advice people to hear some gentle music to keep themselves relax. This helps people to get out of anxiety and sickness quickly.

Paragraph B (conclusion paragraph):
In conclusion, we can get different messages from the music. For instance, when we feel the stress of getting too much work to deal with, we can use the music to relax ourselves. On the other hand, we can also use music to keep our bodies to stay healthy. To me, music is a magic tool to help us managing our mind.

In conclusion, we can differ message from the music. Therefor, when we feel the stress of getting too much work to deal with, we can use the music to relax ourselves. On the other hand, we can also use music to keep our body to stay healthy and to me music is a magic tool to helps me managing my mind.

Paragraph C (conclusion paragraph):
Music has many powerful ways to effects our body and mind. It relaxes our body and prevents the harmful effects of chronic stress. Now, we can think about music therapy and other benefits of it without wondering, and believe that music is a good tool for health.

Indeed, music has many powerful ways to effect our body and mind. It relaxes our body and prevents the harmful effects from chronic stress. Now, we can think about music therapy and other benefits from it without wondering, and we can believe that music is a good tool for health.

BP #9 - Final Reflection on HeLa

There are a lot of social works that we do to help people. We can work for society in many ways and would find out a long list for work. From the list of social works, I think everybody will say blood and organs donation are the best. I know blood and organ donation are powerful donation but I would say a contribution in science and research for the development of treatment a tissue or part of tissue would be most powerful donation if it works.

Not done yet...............

BP #8 - Going Green Again

There are many ways to make our environment green. Some are difficult to accomplish personally and some are easy. We can practice at least easy things. I usually practice several things but three of them are as a habits. These are minimizing waste of water, throwing the waste at the specific place and using environment friendly products. I believe these three activities can work a lot if we do these as our habits.

In my country, most of the people are not aware of the environment, but there were some environment casualties those making people to think. Within a few decades we have faced several storms, floods and global warming. People in Bangladesh did not faced these situations before. Now these are making sense to us that we should think about our environment. People are talking about going green, but they don't know how take care of the environment like American people do. Specifically, I learned a lot in America how to take care of the environment that I never learned in Bangladesh. For example using different kinds of garbage cans, in home and outside for recycling, made me surprised. It also taught me how easy it is to work for the environment if anybody is a little concerned. I hope to be able to inform people in our country and inspire them about this idea.

I feel surprised when I see some people in my neighborhood throw all house hold waste materials in one garbage can. Here in New York, we know there are separate garbage cans for recycle purpose but some people do not concern about this. May be they do this unconsciously, but we should not unconscious especially in this issue. I think we need more activities to let people know about going green and the purpose of different garbage can for recycling.