Friday, January 6, 2012

BP #2 - Taking advantage of someone

One day at the night I got a call from one of my closest school friend. Its was long since we didn't see each other, so we had a little bit long conversation. We were almost at the end of our conversation and at that time he informed me about a local book fair in our local neighborhood and he requested me to go there next day. I was so happy to know about this book fair and I went there next day.There were a lot of book stalls and each stalls was nicely decorated with different kind of books. I was looking books walking through each stalls. Once I found my friend with whom I talked last night. He was talking with a young guy and I noticed a kind ID card was hanging on his chest. I walked through him. He was very happy to see me. He introduced another volunteer with the guy he was talking. After that he turned to me and offered me to set at a cafe. We were talking about our sweet memories in school life. In this meantime he started talking about good things of blood donation and he was telling me how wonderful job is as a Donner. I knew what he was talking about blood donation . At that time I was physically fit to donate my blood, so when he offered me to donate blood I turned responsible to mankind. I was walking back to my home after saying my friend goodbye and feeling good physically but not mentally. I was thinking the situation what he made as a friend. It also made me more unusual when i found that as a school friend he took advantage of me for his profession. He would explain me from the beginning at the phone and I would come with more preparation even with more friends. When I arrived to my home I was thinking how he took advantage from me is this situation.

The following story came to my mind when I finished first 4 parts of the book about Henrietta Lacks. I believe my story is worthless compare to the contribution of Henrietta Lacks cells. I know researchers did really a wonderful job and still doing. I also know people getting benefit and there would be more research with Henrietta Lack's cells. I hope researcher would make more solutions for different disease. However, I believe it would ethical if all the research would accomplish by Henrietta Lacks's or her family's permission. It could be more better if we would respect her more honorable way for the contribution of her cells on her absence.

Therefore, I think it is a kind of responsibility for such organization to treat Henrietta Lacks's familly better way as we know still they are not in such good condition. I hope nobody will face the situation as Henrietta Lacks did, and I wish a wonderful place in the haven for Henrietta Lacks.


  1. I think this is a good post and you have a good story about taking advantage, but the only thing you have to change is some grammars mistakes. And the teacher ask us to taking other people's advantage, but it is not talking about other people's taking advantage. So, I have a question about you story Why people have to taking advantage of your?

  2. I like your postyou have a really long story. i have one question why people taking advantages for you why or why or why not?

  3. Wow this is a really tough situation between you and your Best Friend. i liked your Story as well, it was simple and clear but also had some good stories. i could picture myself dealing with the same situation with my Best Friend. However, i think you should of add how you felt, and did you think you both would lose your friendship because of that?
    The question i have recording to the story is that how did your friendship with your best friend lasted?

  4. wow~~~ this is nice!! how wonderful between your fried & you !! i also like your story and makes me simply understand !! also , i have same question that is what people have take advantage of you?
