Monday, January 23, 2012

BP # 5 Soda tax

Soda is a very popular drinks, and most people like it as a favorite drinks. In recent, the issue of soda tax making people emotional and turning to deviate as controversial point to each other. Some people say soda tax is a best idea to take care of public health and the government took right decision. Others argue against this. They say people have their own choice and have rights to think which is good or bad for them. They also say government should withdraw tax for soda and should give the rights to person to choice. As a self confident human being I am the proponent of the people who are against of soda tax.

First of all, we know soda have some different ingredients like carbonated water, high fructose corn syrup or sucrose, caramel color, phosphoric acid, natural flavors, caffeine and so on . In these ingredients there is no instant cause of physical or physiological problem like other beverage. On the other hand these kind of ingredients made soda unique to other drinks and people drink as their favorite one.

Secondly, as a human being we have sense of thinking. We can decide which is good or which is bad for our health. If a person wants to be healthy, it does not matter how cheap the foods are for him. He or she can take care on their way. On the other hand, if a person does not care of his or her food restriction, it would be worthless to think about his or her the food cost. At his point the step of soda tax that government is taking for public health is obviously worthless.

Finally, if government impose tax ,it does not meant that it will solve the problem of disease like obesity, diabetics, heart attract and so on. According to a article on Huff Food Post, a internet based news paper, a study found that people drinking less soda on respond to soda taxes, but consumption of caloric beverages like milk and fruit juice increased entirely. These means there is no ultimate result of imposing tax on soda.

Indeed, tax is good to pay for people and for the government to earn, but the idea of soda tax is not appropriate as the way the government thinking. Therefor I argue that tax on soda means a kind of barriers of food consumption for us and extra cost for the people.


  1. Hi I like your post topic and I think you use some nice vocabulary but in my point of view government should take soda taxes with some other beverages. When must avoid to buy some expensive food they would have been decrease their dangerous diseases.

    1. You are right on that sence, but do you think that will help to stop obesity or other health problems. I dont think so. Lets tell me which steps is working in enti smoking: tax on chegarets or antismoking comercials. I am sure anti smoking strategy.

  2. Nice work: You really showed your side and explained why. However, i clash with the idea that Government should not impose tax on soda. Because i believe that if government add tax on soda it will help lower consumption and children obesity, and use the soda tax to help people to get a better health care.

    1. Do you think children has its own sense of thinking well as adults?

    2. You are right, children has not own sense at all but unless anybody teach them. I am gonna give one report that I found a report in the link posted by our professor for Soda Tax. "Their research found that people do respond to soda taxes by drinking less soda -- but that the decrease is entirely offset by increased consumption of caloric beverages like milk and fruit juice". Now government should impose tax on all foods nad beverage. Thats does not make any sence. Hope it will make you cleare about my argument in the essay.

  3. i like your post!!!! yep!! soda tax is costly.. but i think soda tax will help health and keep environment. its small thing but its helpful.

  4. Good! you have a good passage about the soda tax and you have good examples, in order to show many thing than the government need make soda tax higher. So, the most important thing is that you should write something about you personal opinion and you have good idea about the government why they have to make soda tax higher.

  5. I think i did it to my second body paragraph. If it is not enough I will try in next essays.
